The order and dairy_order commands could have been merged as well here by specifying that the parameter be either a dairy_product or a word. 这里,也可以通过指明参数是dairyproduct还是word来将order和orderdairy命令合并成一条命令。
It is important to drink milk, eat cheese, or have any other dairy product before you go to bed. 睡觉前吃一些牛奶、奶酪之类的乳制品很重要。
You can use the basic yogurt method to make versions of any cultured dairy product, provided your starter carries live bacteria. 只要你的酵母中有活细菌,那么用这个基本酸奶制作方法你可以做出各种任何一种培养乳制品的不同版本。
It's better to take more food which can remove heat, ease thirst and soothe the nerves, such as sesame, honey, white fungus, dairy product, vegetable, fruit, etc. 秋天应多吃一些养阴清热、润燥止渴、清心安神的食物,如芝麻、蜂蜜、银耳、乳制品、蔬菜、水果等。
Buy: package, canned fruit cocktail, canned pineapple, juice drink, juice concentrate, dairy product. 采购:包装材料,什锦水果罐头,菠萝罐头,果汁饮料,浓缩果汁,乳制品。
Design and plan of liquid food production processing including dissolving, compounding, storage, culturing and fermenting for beverage, dairy product, juice, and medicine, etc. 饮料、乳品、果汁、制药等流体制品溶解、调合、储存、培养、酦酵之制程、整厂设备规划、设计、制造。
Application of Yeast in Low Alcohol Degree Fermentation Dairy Product and Animal Husbandry 酵母菌在低酒精度乳制品生产及养殖业中的应用
As a fresh dairy product, it has a limited shelf-life. 一如新鲜的乳牛产品,它的生命是有期限的。
Application of Radio Frequency Identification Technique in Safety Trace System of Dairy Product 无线射频技术在乳品安全可追溯系统中的应用
The practice prove that the microencapsulation is an important way for dairy product research and development, it have an important value practical. 实践证明,微胶囊技术为乳制品的研究与开发提供了一条很重要的途径,具有很高的实用价值。
Application of PDCA in the Producing Process of Dairy Product 浅谈PDCA循环在乳品生产过程中的应用
Dairy Product Sales to Increase 乳制品销售量将会增加
Confirmed the cold disinfection is the environmental protection new technology which the dairy product processing factory is worth promoting. 证实冷消毒是乳品加工厂值得推广的经济又环保的新技术。
Recently, the events of dairy product showed the missing of social responsibility in dairy enterprises. 近日不断出现的乳制品事件,凸显了乳制品企业社会责任的严重缺失。
Its sales of bottled water including Evian and badoit are falling in Western Europe and it is also battling declines in its dairy product sales. 达能瓶装水包括依云(evian)和badoit在西欧的销量出现下降,奶制品销售也出现缩减。
Application of anti-high blood pressure peptide in dairy product THE APPLICATION OF THE NEW TYPE OF BARRIER MILK PACKAGING 一种抗高血压活性肽TensGuard在乳制品中的应用新型高阻隔包装材料在乳品包装领域的应用
Research on Risk Management of Dairy Product's Quality Safety of Shandong Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision 山东省质量技术监督局乳制品质量安全风险管理研究
Consequently, the market price of the dairy product has been oppressed far below its actual value. 结果,牛奶的市场价格,被压得远低于其实际生产成本。
In this study, the new nutritious dairy product was made of rennet agent and milk powder. 以自制固体酶制剂和乳粉为主要原料,制得一种新型的营养乳制品。
With the rapidly development of fermented dairy product industry, It's very important to research and develop high activity concentrated yoghourt starter culture for promoting the industrial process of lactic acid bacteria starter and development of fermented dairy industry. 随着我国发酵乳制品工业的迅猛发展,积极研究并大力开发高效浓缩型酸奶发酵剂,对于推动我国乳酸菌发酵剂产业化进程,促进我国发酵乳制品工业的发展,具有重要的意义。
The definition, production, development and raw material of function food are resumed in this paper. We give any direction opinion on the development of functional dairy product for the mid elder and infant. 概述了功能性食品的定义、功能性食品的产生和发展、功能性食品的原料,并就中老年和婴幼儿功能性乳制品开发提出了指导性意见。
This is a method for determination of Vitamin A and D in dairy product by HPLC. 研究了高效液相色谱法,同时测定牛乳中维生素A,D。
Chengdu Shahe dairy company was established in 1999, the main business is dairy product developing and sale. 成都沙河乳品公司成立于1999年,主要从事乳品的研发、生产、销售及奶牛养殖等经营活动。
The Study of the Dairy Product Fermented by Lactobacillus Helveticus 瑞士乳杆菌发酵乳制品的研究
The processing technology of the dairy product, the solidifying technological condition as well as the organoleptic quality were studied, and the index of sensory, physico-chemical property and hygiene state were evaluated. 研究了乳制品的加工工艺、凝固条件以及其感官性能,并对制品的感官、理化和卫生指标进行了测定分析。
Soya sauce and dairy product are the foods of mass consumption in our daily life, and their quality and authenticity are also concerned by people. The hotspot of researches is the method for quick and scientific identification and evaluation of them. 作为日常生活中大量消费的食品-酱油和牛奶制品,其质量和真伪理所当然地受到人们的关注,对其进行快速和科学地鉴别评价已成为当前热点研究内容之一。
The total sum of bacteria in raw milk has much effect on the quality of dairy product. 原料乳中细菌总数严重影响乳制品质量。
This article studies problems of cold chain logistics for dairy product under the supply chain environment. 本文主要研究了供应链环境下奶制品的冷链物流问题。
Women workers had more fruit and dairy product, while less grains and meat than men. 女性水果和乳制品的平均摄入量高于男性,但粮谷类和肉类的平均摄入量低于男性。
The total content of effective components of soya sauces and dairy products have good linear relationships with the undulatory lives of the relevant fingerprints, and the relationships may be used to evaluate the qualities of soya sauce and dairy product. 酱油和牛奶制品有效成分与指纹图谱波动寿命之间存在很好的线性关系,该关系可用来评价酱油和牛奶制品的质量。